Opening Times
Air Rifle Range
Thursday: 2PM - 8PM
Friday: 10AM -2PM
Saturday & Sunday: 10AM - 4PM
We follow West Berkshire Term date.
Wednesday: 10AM - 4PM
Thursday: 2PM-8PM
Friday: 10AM-2PM
For clay pigeon opening times, please visit the clay shoot calendar here.
Upcoming News & Events
Winter League starting 8th November 2024.
Charity day 2025 - 27/07/25
About GBSA
Gravelley Bridge Shooting Association is a friendly, members run organisation based just South of Reading. Established in 2018 and home to over 150 members the Association offers both clay pigeon shooting and air rifle shooting.
GBCPC - the association holds a 60 bird clay shoot every two weeks offering targets for all levels of shooting from beginner to advanced. Please see Clay shoot Calendar for dates.
GBARC - our 9 lanes air rifle range offers a variety of targets at distances of up to 90 yards.